Adopted son – Legal representative – Eviction petition



Shubham Budhiraja[1]

A filed a suit for eviction against B, tenant. While the suit was pending, A died. C, his son, filed application under Order 22 Rule 3 CPC, 1908 seeking right to sue as legal representative. The tenant objected to this on the ground that C is not legal heir and his name cannot be substituted. He is an adopted son and there is no adoption deed. The Ld. Trial Court dismissed the tenant’s objection. The Hon’ble High Court affirming the trial court’s order held as under[2]:


1.    Order XXII Rule 3 CPC prescribes procedure in case of death of sole plaintiff or in case of death of one of the several plaintiffs and provides that on such death, the right to sue shall survive to the legal representative of the deceased-plaintiff.


2.    If one goes through the averments made in the eviction petition, it would lay bare that in the petition itself, the landlord had claimed that suit-shop, which is in possession of the tenant, was bonafidely required by landlord for his son.


3.    The Tenant seems to confuse between the two terms „legal representatives‟ and legal heirs.


4.    It is a not case where some stranger has been portrayed as son of the deceased-petitioner.


5.    It is also not a case where some imposter is being brought in as legal representative.


6.    The definition of “legal representative” is wide enough to cover Mr. B who now seems to represent the estate of deceased landlord and for the purpose of present lis has sufficient and adequate interest in carrying on litigation.

[1] Shubham Budhiraja, Advocate [LLB, ACS, BCOM(H)],

[2] Delhi High Court, CM(M) 3613/2024, Judgment dated 15/10/2024


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