Whether Written Statement can be rejected from file for non-filling of statement of truth?


Shubham Budhiraja[1]


Mr. A filed a recovery suit against Mr. B. Mr. B filed the written statement to which Mr. A field the objection. The Learned Court through one of order observed that the written statement is not in compliance with Order VI Rule 15A. Mr. A thereafter filed an application for striking off Mr. B’s pleadings (WS) for non-compliance of provisions of commercial courts act, 2015. Mr. B filed an application for curing the defects. The Learned Trial Court allowed Mr. B’s application and strike off the pleadings. The Hon’ble Delhi High Court set aside the trial court’s order and held as under:[2]


(I)                In FMC Corporation and Anr. v. NATCO Pharma Ltd., 2020 SCC OnLine Del 2074 wherein similarly the Court held that an application for amendment seeking to cure the defects in verification and pleading should be permitted liberally and a party should not be non-suited.



(II)              This Court is of the opinion that the intent of the legal proceedings is that the claims raised by a plaintiff should be decided on its merits after adjudicating upon the defence of the defendant. The intent of the Act of 2015 is to ensure a time bound disposal of the claims raised by the plaintiff on merits and to this effect regulate accuracy in pleadings of the parties and to ensure that parties do not indulge in dilatory tactics. The intent of the rigours of the Act is not to afford a decree in default to the plaintiff.


(III)            The striking off a written statement which was filed within the statutory period of limitation would defeat the ends of justice rather than advancing the dispensation of justice in a time bound manner, which is the true intent of the Act of 2015.


(IV)             In this matter the suit is still at the stage of framing of issues. No objection to verification of the written statement was raised by plaintiff in the replication. Subsequently, when the plaintiff first raised the objection, the defendant has immediately offered to cure the said defect of verification.


(V)               In these facts and circumstances, the defendant should not be precluded from having its defence adjudicated, solely on account of the defect in verification considering that the defendant has at this initial stage itself taken steps to have the defects cured and bring its written statement on record in compliance with the provisions of Act of 2015.


(VI)             No prejudice will be caused to the plaintiff if the defect in verification is permitted to be cured because as noted above, importantly, no change is being carried out to pleadings in the written statement.


(VII)           The corrections in defective verification are sought to be carried by the defendant at the outset and therefore, they have to be permitted.

[1]Advocate, Delhi High Court [BCOM(H), ACS, LLB]  Budhirajalawchambers@gmail.com, +91-9654055315

[2] CM(M) 990/2023, Judgment dated 17/08/2023


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