

Mahatama Gandhi, Nelson Mandela ,  Jack ma, Steve Jobs , what do all have in Common ?  They all were READERS.


Question.1 – What is the meaning of Leadership?

Answer.1- The term Leadership is highly subjective nomenclature. If we go through the Literal meaning of this term, we can make an inference that it refers to lead some individual or individuals. However if we get into more technical meaning of said term:
a)    Leadership is the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. ( Wikipedia )
b)   Leadership is an art (not science) of influencing, motivating, inspiring, and transforming people (human resources) towards achieving organizational goals.
c)    Sanskrit literature identifies ten types of leaders. Defining characteristics of the ten types of leaders are explained with examples from history and mythology.
Few Pertinent references:
1.   One of Most indispensable unit of Leadership is – Recognition of Uncertainty:

Leadership require one very important character which is to recognize the uncertainty. i.e. to keep always in mind that nothing remains to be forever and everything is bound to change. No firm remain in loss for life and same is for profit periods.

a)    This character is so essential that its references can be view in Mahabharta – There is an episode in Mahabharata known as ‘YakshaPrashna’ Questions asked by a certain Yaksha to king Yudhisthira. One of the questions is „What is the most surprising thing in this world? The answer given by the king is very interesting. The king replied Everyday thousands of people die, yet everyone feels confidently that he is not going to die. So Leader should have this ability to foreseen that nothing is certain or Permanent  and everything is bound to change.

b)   Buddha always said that SarvaKshanika – Everything is momentary!  This view of momentary world teaches to understand uncertainty principle. So leader should always have this ability that uncertain things are always going to happen. So being proactive is always good.
c)    Napoleon once said that he would have an army of rabbits led by a lion than a army of lion led a a rabbit

Question.2- Do You Feel that You have the Leadership Skills?

Answer.2- To answer this question, we first have to identify What are the leadership skills. In my opinion ,driven by below mentioned sources, Leadership Skills includes amongst the others :
1.   Able to Communicate what intended to
2.   Self Confidence
3.   Motivational for itself and others
4.   Optimum Delegation of Work
5.   Creative to New Problems
6.   Flexible enough to situation
7.   Commitment to work

In regard to the Question.2, amongst the so many kinds of Leadership skills, I would say I am good at this skill- “Commitment to work”. Reason for such score are my past and present experiences. One of them is , I started my First Responsible work in 2013 ( One Month Before my results for Class 12th announced). i.e. to Start work as Home Tutor. And I managed my Regular college along with CS coachings and Home tutions. ( 8am to 1:30pm College, 3pm to 6:30pm CS Coachings, and 7:30pm to 9pm Home tutions and late night study). So In my opinion , amongst the other skills, I poses “ Commitment to work” skill.
Apart from it, I am also good at Team coordination. For instance- I worked as a part of Placement cell of my college for the year 2016.

Question.3- Why Leadership Skill is required?

Answer.3- Leadership Skill is Required 
1.   To Build Self Confidence
2.   To Survive
3.   For Self Growth of an individual
4.   To Justify your Position in a firm
5.   For Self Realization
6.   To take Your Career as far as it can go

“Do more than you are being paid to do, and you'll eventually be paid more for what you do.” (

Question.4- What you are doing to develop your Leadership skills?

Answer.4- No Person is born as Leader. Being a leader or to have Leadership Skills is a Question of Fact. However, To develop these skills, I am presently working on followings areas:
1.   Learning to be more discipline
2.   Learning to be a good listener
3.   Use SWOT analysis in Everyday Situations
4.   To Draw a Chart of Do’s and Don’ts
5.   Developing Situational awareness
6.   Learning Everyday

 Stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way you will learn anything new, and doing so will get you noticed by executives as someone who takes initiative. (

Question.5- Why it is Important for any Organization?
1.   The Importance of Leadership is very essential for a Organization. The DELEGATION OF WORK is one of Important feature of a leader. Also in a big organization, this delegation plays a major role. However Delegation Require many steps one of major is TO TRUST.  In order to Trust , the leader has to identify the employees , their skills , match their skills with requirement of work and delegate accordingly.

2.   To understand that there is a difference between BOSS & LEADER. BOSS CREATE BOSS, LEADERS CREATE LEADERS.

3.   TO VISUALIZE THE BIG PICTURE . Leadership enables to see the multiple viewpoints from a single idea. i.e. To see the vastness of an idea while sitting in a corner of this world. “The Light Shining From the thousand sunrises” .

4.   MANAGING SHORT TERM VS LONG TERM GAINS.  Leadership enables an organization to maintain balance between Short Gains and Long Gains. Leaders make Optimum decisions to Sacrifice Present gains for Future Profits. Leader knows what is coming in future. He is able to reasonably foreseen the Gains. He take pro bono cases in order to Justify his/her  Presence.

5.   TO SURVIVE. Now Without Leading , there cannot be any survival.  No Organization grow who doesn’t spent on learning and lead. To continuous Learning and To Take lead without thinking for risks are essential to Survive.



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