DEVELOPING THE LEADER WITHIN YOU BY SHUBHAM BUDHIRAJA 29/10/2018 SHUBHAM BUDHIRAJA MOBILE-9654055315 CSSHUBHAMBUDIRAJA1994@GMAIL.COM Mahatama Gandhi, Nelson Mandela , Jack ma, Steve Jobs , what do all have in Common ? They all were READERS. LEADERS ARE READERS READERS ARE LEADERS Question.1 – What is the meaning of Leadership? Answer.1- The term Leadership is highly subjective nomenclature. If we go through the Literal meaning of this term, we can make an inference that it refers to lead some individual or individuals. However if we get into more technical meaning of said term: a) Leadership is the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams , or entire organizations . ( Wikipedia ) b) Leadership is an art (not science) of influencing, motivating, inspiri...