How do you proof execution of will?
How do you proof execution of will? Shubham Budhiraja LLB, CS, BCOM(H) , 9654055315 Advocate, Delhi High Court Member of Research Committee, Northern Region-ICSI Member of Delhi High Court bar association Running an NGO “Shaurya ek Samman” duly registered under Society registration act, 1860 The trial court dismissed granting letter of administration/ probate but High Court allowed in appeal. The Supreme Court [1] set aside the HC Judgment and held that the will was executed in suspicious circumstances because the testator was bed ridden and was suffering from critical disease where he was not able to sign documents. Hence, the execution of will is not proved. Case laws Relevant Remarks H.Venkatachala Iyenger vs. B.N.Thimmajamma, AIR 1959 SC 443 Section 63 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 and Section 68 o...