
Showing posts from April, 2020
DOING BUSINESS: ROAD AHEAD (CS SHUBHAM BUDHIRAJA &       CS SAMEER GAHLOT) वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् - The world is one family HISTORY & INTRODUCTION: The doing business has its origins way back to 2002 where first paper published in Quarterly Journal of Economics (Harvard University) by Simeon Djankov and others on titled – “The regulation of entry” in which they did analysis of 85 countries on various parameters and concluding the impact of entry barrier to a new business entity and its effect on economy. They compared it with prudent economic theories and come up with a conclusion that "Countries with heavier regulation of entry have higher corruption and larger unofficial economies, but no better quality of public or private goods. Countries with more democratic and limited governments have lighter regulation of entry." In order to understand the menace and articulation of doing business and to have its understanding in Indian context, w


                         RIGHT TO EQUALITY: NEW DIMENSION & NEW VERSION                                                          (CS SHUBHAM BUDHIRAJA) “Four Score & Seven Years ago our founding fathers brought forth to this continent a New Nation conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the Proposition that all men are created equal. We are engaged in a civil war, testing whether that nation so conceived and so dedicated , can long endure” -           Abraham Lincoln :Gettysburg address [1] Liberty and equality are words of passion and power. They were the watchwords of French revolution, they inspired the unforgettable words of Abraham Lincoln and US congress gave them practical effect in 13 th amendment which abolished slavery and 14 th amendment which provided that- “the state shall not deny to any person within its jurisdiction, the equal protection of laws”. [2] Our founding fathers knowing of this history, not only put l