BRIEF ON PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION (SHUBHAM BUDHIRAJA) This Article pertaining to the core issue of modern digital economy. It is undisputed fact that the constitution is a living document and so is the environment we live in. with this note on, this is to submit here that: In landmark verdict of Justice K. S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) and Anr. vs Union Of India And Ors , it was held by 9 judge bench that Right to Privacy is a Fundamental right under Article 21 to the constitution of India and the Hon’ble Supreme Court set aside its earlier judgment of MP Sharma (8 Judge bench) and Kharak Singh (6 Judge Bench) . However, in Judgment of 547 Pages, it contains 6 different opinions of different judges on what exactly amount to privacy. It is pertinent to note that by virtue of bare reading of this judgment, one can find major obiter-dicta and few ratio- decidendi only. The Point where chandrachud J (Plural judgment he gave on behalf of four including itself) whereupon Kaul J ag...