AADHAR: TEST OF FEDERALISM ? (BY SHUBHAM BUDHIRAJA) INTRODUCTION: A State as defined in International law as “an Independent political entity occupying a defined territory, the members of which are united together for the purpose of resisting the external force and presentation of internal order”. However, the said definition paid emphasis more on Police functions of a state to protect the territory from external aggression. But the modern state is much more than being merely a police or Law & Order State. Modern State is a Social Welfare State. Legal System of country is largely divide into two categories: (i) Law governing the state, and (ii) law by which state govern or regulate the conduct of its members. The term Constitutional law is wider than the term Constitution as it comprises – the constitution, relevant statutory law, judicial decisions and conventions. The Constitution of any country may be a written or unwritten. By saying a written Consti...